Special Mention: Author Sarah Cass & Redefining Perfect

December 2013 I joined a Facebook group called Film Club. I wanted somewhere I could discuss the masses upon masses of films and TV shows that I watched. Upon joining this group I found a group of people I quickly came to call family. The majority of whom, at the time, were based in NC, USA (since then I now have “family” members from various different states and countries).

As I progressed through the ranks of FC eventually earning admin status, it was decided that we would start to branch out into “sister” and “brother” groups for FC members that also had love for interests other than film and TV. One of those, for me especially, was Book Club.

One of our members in Book Club, Sarah Cass, is a multi-published author. You can find her on Amazon UK amongst other places. Now, some people may be asking why I am writing about Sarah. Well I have a few reasons.

Firstly, she is an incredibly ACTIVE member in book club, quite often sparking interesting discussions regarding what she is or has been reading. But what makes her different to a lot of authors is that she rarely self promotes (although it wouldn’t be an issue if she did) and that she joins in with other discussions posted by us mere mortals.

Secondly, she is very helpful, always willing to offer advice to anyone (I ask a few things here and there as I am (very slowly) trying to write my own book).

Finally, I have taken an idea from her blog – Redefining Perfect – in which she posts a write up of what she been reading for the previous month, and what books she has up next in her list. I wanted to give her proper credit for the posts that I am going to start writing (or attempting to write). You can check out her latest one here.


What do you think?